seedlings prep classes

seedlings PREP: a 2/3s playgroup (M/W)
This two hour class allows children (and parents) to gradually separate at their own pace. Nurturing teachers guide children through activities such as music, art, gym, movement, exploration of na...
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seedlings PREP: a 2/3s playgroup (T/Th)
This two hour class allows children (and parents) to gradually separate at their own pace. Nurturing teachers guide children through activities such as music, art, gym, movement, exploration of na...
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art classes

my Chelsea art opening
apple seeds provides the smocks and the medium (in this case paint, glue, multi-colored clay, etc.); you provide the emerging artist. Children will experiment with all different forms of art to cr...
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combo classes

scribble and dribble
This 90 minute combo class gets your child's creative juices flowing and their adrenaline pumping. For 45 minutes, kids get creative with watercolors, oil pastels, spin art and more in my Chelsea ...
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cooking classes

COOKing monsters
We create various recipes your child will enjoy making...and you'll both enjoy eating. Kids explore cultures and cuisines by measuring and mixing ingredients creating dishes from around the world....
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dance classes

twinkle, twinkle little toes - ballet
Now that your child is walking…why not start dancing?! This introductory ballet class explores the basics of ballet in a simple and playful way. We use creative movement techniques and playful acti...
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twinkle, twinkle little toes - ballet & tap
Plie, twirl and turn in this exciting and magical dance class. Children develop balance and coordination while dancing, playing and learning the basics of ballet and tap. Dress up, get fancy and ...
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language classes

iHOLA! A Playgroup in Spanish
HOLA! A Playgroup in Spanish is a full immersion, theme-centered vocabulary building program. We follow a multi-sensory approach while teaching through music, movement, visual images and objects t...
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mandarin seeds
A full immersion 45 minute Mandarin and music class. A caretaker is required to stay with the child at all times inside the classroom. Teachers use only Mandarin in class to present our playful and...
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music - songs for seeds classes

songs for seeds
Named "Best Music Class" by New York Magazine, songs for seeds is a rockin’ music class that encourages kids to sing, play instruments (from drums and guitars to pianos and accordions) along with a...
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songs for seeds BABIES
Named "Best Music Class" by New York Magazine, songs for seeds BABIES is an interactive music program that encourages babies to move and groove along with a live, three-piece band, as well as play ...
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Yoga classes

Karma Kids Baby Yoga & Developmental Movement
This unique class is for babies only! Learn Baby Yoga exercises to strengthen growing muscles, aid in digestion, promote better sleeping patterns, and help your infant towards their next stage of d...
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Karma Kids Mom & Baby Yoga
This unique class combines yoga and play to get back in shape while strengthening the bond between you and your infant. Experience flowing asanas, challenging postures, strengthening of the core a...
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Karma Kids Parent & Child Yoga
Partner with your toddler in fun, animated poses as we take a yoga adventure that your child will never forget! We'll bark in downward dog, hiss in cobra pose and flutter our butterfly wings as we...
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science & exploration classes

build it! break it! fix it!
Grab your hard hats boys and girls - it's time to get to work. Children will master the skills of using basic tools and tackle projects like laying bricks, planting gardens, tiling floors, paintin...
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sports & movement classes

apple CORE training
Whether you have a budding athlete or your little one just needs a place to “run it out”, look no further for a high energy introduction to sports and games. Children will refine their gross motor...
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move baby, move!
Join us in playing in a clean, safe, soft world full of music and delightfully tempting new things for your child to discover. This baby gym class inspires movement through play with parachutes, s...
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world sippy cup soccer
Join us for the world’s most popular sport, pared down to the basics. Children will learn beginning soccer skills while working on balance and coordination. This fast paced and high energy class w...
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music - music together classes

Music Together Spring (10 weeks)
Spring Dates April 9th - June 15th
Started over 30 years ago, Music Together is now an internationally acclaimed early childhood music program. Music Together is based on the belief that all chil...
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